Tips for your Year End Stock Take in 2025

The stock take is a fundamental part of any business that deals in goods. It’s the only way you can keep track of inventory, see if your ordering process is efficient, and reduce over-stocking.

However, in order to achieve these goals, you need a firm process for carrying out the stock take itself. Here, I’ve compiled a list of easy steps to help you do the perfect stock take.

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Xero has Shut Down LOCATE Inventory, What Now?

We’re stepping up to help businesses impacted. On November 10th, Xero announced that they had acquired LOCATE Inventory and it is shutting down. Going forward, LOCATE Inventory will not be signing up any new customers, and their current customer base will probably have to start looking for a new solution With the economy picking up, we’ve decided to help as many affected businesses and their partners as we can.  We’ve…

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Invoice faster, get paid quicker in 2023

Clock and coins symbolising financial growth over time.

It’s 2023, and it’s more important than ever to stay on top of your payments process. If you’re like most businesses, you’re likely sending invoices by email, but this can lead to delays. In fact, Stripe takes an average of 2 days to get you up and running! That’s why we recommend using Turbo Inventory in conjunction with Stripe: Turbo Inventory is a lean ERP system that automates invoice payment…

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