Check out the features included in your Turbo Inventory account or just register for the free demo and try it yourself.

Product Catalog

Keep your products organized with grouping, hierarchical categories, tax settings, minimal quantities, custom properties and product recipes.

SearchSearch products by SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), name, description, manufacturer and category
SKUAutomatically generate SKUs or set your own.
Minimum quantitiesSet minimum quantities for each product to be alarmed when stock supply is low.
RecipesQuickly create new products using product recipes (bill of materials).
PropertiesCreate custom properties to easily describe each product.
CategoriesGroup products into hierarchical categories and set taxes on category level.
Expiry dateSet expiry date for food, drugs and similar products.
Multiple warehouses and storesTrack inventory levels and SKUs across multiple locations.
Bin LocationsSet up bin locations for each product per warehouse

Price Lists

Always sell at the right price with unlimited price lists, real-time margin calculation, discounts and loyal customers pricing.

Unlimited price listsUnlimited number of wholesale, retail and purchase price lists. Divide products in multiple price lists for better visibility.
MarginAutomatic margin calculation while setting a price.
Price changesSet price changes in advance.
DiscountsCreate one-time discounts.

Customers management

Get a reputation for all the right reasons. Our system helps put your customers on a pedestal, so they don’t want to shop anywhere else.

Real timeGet a clear real-time overview of money owed.
Know what they likeLearn more about what your customers’ like, predict their future needs based on purchase history, and identify sales opportunities.
Unlimited price listsUnlimited number of wholesale, retail and purchase price lists. Divide products in multiple price lists for better visibility.
TaggingA tag is a powerful and easy way to categorize your customers.
Transaction HistoryYou can help you find your customers and suppliers’ information quickly, including their order history, pending invoices, multiple addresses and current shipments.
TrackingKeep track of unpaid invoices.
Serve them anywhereTake orders from anywhere on your tablet or phone

Invoices, Quotes & Hire Notes

Simplify and speed up the process from quote to delivery and final invoice.

SearchFind invoices and quotes by customer, date, reference number, amount or product name.
E-mailE-mail invoices and quotes directly from Turbo Inventory.
Item description and noteAdd additional description per item.
Quote to CashInvoice directly from quote, delivery notes or service orders.
DiscountsSet multiple discounts per item.
TaxesVAT calculation and VAT exceptions per item. Set item prices as tax included or tax excluded.
BarcodeUse barcode scanner to quickly add items on invoice.
Advance paymentsTrack advance payments by customer and easily create final invoice upon delivery.
Return goodsEasily record goods return and match it to the corresponding invoice.
CopyCopy existing invoice or quickly create one from scratch.
Track documentsTrack the workflow from quote to delivery and final invoice.
StockTake products of the stock on invoice approval or delivery note.
ShippingSet shipping address.
Reverse Charge VATIf you have sub-contractors, there are specific VAT compliance rules, eg. Reverse Charge VAT (RCV), where you, as the Principal Contractor, have to account for your sub-contractor’s VAT.

Purchase Orders

Put purchasing costs calculation on auto pilot. Easily recalculate selling prices with every purchase.

Moving average costMAC (moving average cost) is automatically calculated with every purchase.
Additional costsRecord additional costs such as transportation and insurance.
Recalculate selling pricesEasily recalculate new margin and change the selling price.
SearchFind purchase orders by supplier, date, reference number, amount or product name.
BarcodeUse barcode scanner to quickly add items on purchase order.
CopyCopy existing purchase order or quickly create one from scratch.
StockPut products on stock immediately on purchase approval.
TaxesVAT calculation and VAT exceptions per item.
DiscountsSet discount per item.
Partial ReceivingEasily manage multiple deliveries from your suppliers

Stock Control

Get an overview of your stock data with multi-warehouse option, minimal quantities and expiring items.

Real timeGet a clear real-time overview of current stock supplies.
Multiple warehouses and storesTrack stock by multiple warehouses and easily transfer quantities between them.
SearchMake a quick search for items by available quantity, category, SKU and custom properties.
Write-offsQuickly write off items from the stock.
Stock transfersTransfer items from one warehouse to another.
Expiry dateAnalyze stock quantities for products with expiry date like food and drugs.
Minimal quantitiesSet minimal quantities for each product to be alarmed when it is time to make a new purchase.
Moving average costCheck current MAC of every product or analyze past data.
Purchasing infoGet purchasing data on every product: total amount and quantity purchased, last price, last handling fees, last date purchased.
Selling infoGet selling data on every product: total amount and quantity sold, last price, average price, last date sold.
PrintGenerate PDF and print historic stock transactions for every product.

Profit, Sales & Stock Reports

Get useful insights into your sales performance and stock supply.

Multiple reportsOver 40 reports included
Daily reportsGet an insight into your stock supply and sales data on daily basis.
PivotCompare years of sales and drill down to quarters, months, weeks or even days. Filter and group by warehouses, products, categories and customers.
Category performanceCheck the sales performance of product category.
Reporting by customersFind out who your best customers are, what products or categories they buy.
Reporting by locationsWith multi-store reporting, you have the information you need to run a successful multi-location business.
Analyze stockGet stock value and quantities coming in and out of your warehouses.
MetricsDisable metrics you are not interested in and get a clearer view of your data.
Employee performanceIdentify the strengths and weaknesses of your employees to build the perfect team.
Export to ExcelEvery report can easily be exported and saved as Excel file.

Repair, Maintenance & Service Orders

Create service orders and track work in your repair shop.

StatusTrack repairs by status (new, open, on hold, done, claimed, closed).
DurationSet start and end dates.
DeviceSearch orders by device info like model and serial number.
RecurringTrack recurring maintenance on specific devices.
InvoiceInvoice directly from service order or create one invoice at the end of month for bigger customers.
Maintenance objectsTrack service and repair by objects.
CopyCopy existing service order or quickly create new one from scratch.
BarcodeUse barcode scanner to quickly add items on service order.
Materials usedAdd materials used for repair and automatically take them of the stock.
Hours spentCharge for hours spent on repair.
TasksCreate maintenance tasks with due date.