Feature 1: Customer Tagging
Impact area: Customer
Pre-conditions: None
Functionality: When you Tag customers this is now viewable when creating a Sales Invoice, also when viewing a customer. You also have a new report called Sales by Customer Tag. This report allows you to view customer turnover per tag and then drill down to view the turnover per customer in that Tag
Feature 2: Any staff member can assign another staff member to the Sales Invoice
Impact area: Sales
Pre-conditions: Phone Order module must be enabled
Functionality: Is your Sales Reps are not using the Turbo Inventory App, then you can take their orders over the phone and assign them as the staff member responsible for the Sale. This can also be used if you want to track sales on sites like Done Deal as seperate staff members in order to report on profitability of the sales channel
Feature 3: Remove line from Sales Invoice
Impact area: Turbo Inventory App
Pre-conditions: None
Functionality: You can now remove the line when creating a Sales Invoice on the Turbo Inventory App