We strive to improve our cloud based inventory management software by actively listening to our users and implementing the features that they need. We have worked tirelessly to bring you new features and functionality based on users feedback and needs, that many of our users have been beta testing over the past few months. We look forward to continuing our journey together to make the best software even better!
Total Retail Value on Inventory on Hand
The Inventory on Hand Report used for shown stock valuations now includes the Total Retail Value of all your stock
Quick actions from Stock List
It is now easier to find the Stock Adjustment, Stock Transfer and other stock option directly from the Stock page due to the newly added Quick Actions bar (Quick Actions is been rolled out to more and more screens in order to make TurboInventory easier to use)
Opening Stock Balance when creating a Stock Item
When creating a stock item, you can now enter the opening stock balance directly from the New Stock page.
Stock Take Sheets
In order to make manual stock take faster you can now print Stock Take Sheets for any section in your business. To make stock takes faster we recommend the Android app add on for TurboInventory
Quick Actions in Sales Invoices
From the Sales Invoice page you can now quickly access all Draft Sales Invoices (with one click), quickly create a Recurring Sales Invoice and run the Sales Journal report
Repair Cards: Invoice total only
An option has been added in to Invoice the totals for the Repair Card only and not show a full break down of parts. These parts can be report on at any point and are deducted once the Repair Card is invoiced