Megaphone illustration with release notes text.

Feature 1: Sales by Product Report

Impact area: Reports

Pre-conditions: None

Functionality: Quantity column has been added to this report

Feature 2: Include VAT name on the Sales Invoice Page

Impact area: Turbo Invoicing.

Pre-conditions: None

Functionality: When creating a Sales Invoice and the user has the permission to edit the VAT rate during the sale it was only displaying the VAT Rate. The screen has been changed to now display the Rate and the Description to make it easier to select the correct VAT Rate

Feature 3: Open emails in your favoured software

Impact area: Entire System

Pre-conditions: None

Functionality: Anywhere in Turbo Inventory when you see an email address that is blue you will be able to click on the link and get the option to start the email in Gmail,, or your default mail program

Feature 4: Supplier Payment page Redesign

Impact area: Supplier Payment

Pre-conditions: None

Functionality: The Supplier Payment page has been re-designed to make it easier to use and to bring it more inline with the Customer Payment page

Feature 5: Custom Payment Terms

Impact area: N\A

Pre-conditions: None

Functionality: Payment terms are no longer hard coded and can be changed to better align with your business. You can now change them by going to Settings & tools -> Payment Terms

Feature 6: Customer Internal Notes

Impact area: Customer Module

Pre-conditions: None

Functionality: You can now add an Internal Note against a customer, this will be displayed under the Customer View. Inside the Sales Invoice page, the Details button will now display the Customer View page. If the customer has an Internal Note the Details button will be highlighted in red

Feature 7: Address Look Up for Customers and Suppliers

Impact area: Customer Module, Supplier Module and Sales Invoice Module

Pre-conditions: None

Functionality: Where ever you can enter an Address there is now a new textbox that allows you to type in the address. This will then use Google to try and suggest the address you are looking for. Once you see it you can simply click on it and it will populate the customers full address

Feature 8: Reporting by location

Impact area: Reports\Dashboards

Pre-conditions: None

Functionality: Turbo Inventory is a multi location inventory management software. Originally all the Reports and Dashboard showed all figures as one total business figure. You now have the option to run the Dashboard or Reports for any location you run

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