Megaphone illustration with release notes text.


Viewing Hire Notes against a Customer

Under the Customer view a new tab has been added to show all the Hire Notes assigned to the customer. This view is searchable and sortable

In any screen where the Customer view is available you are able to see the Hire Notes, then you are able to Off Hire any of the Hire Notes by clicking the Off Hire Button

Dairy -> Jump to Date

A new button has been added to the diary view called Jump To Date that allows you to jump to any date in your calendar

Option to Delete Notes and Medicine from a Consult

When in a consult and you accidentally add the wrong note or medicine you now have a delete option to remove it

Veterinary Prescription Electronic Signature

As Turbo Inventory pushes for a paperless practice, the ability to sign your prescriptions has now been added. This allows you to generate a prescription, sign it and email it to you client allow without having to print anything


Fixed entering Margin to calculate the Selling Price

When entering the Margin it was correctly suggesting the selling price. This has now been fixed and correctly suggests the price

Better highlight a Deceased Patient

When a patient is marked as deceased it is now clear displayed in all the sections of the system where the patient is displayed

Additional Search option on the Clinic Screen

You can now search by the Patient Microchip or the Client’s Phone Number, Mobile Number

Change price during Consult

You now have the ability to change the price of product while in a consult

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