Simplify your business with Xero POS integration

Automate financial reporting, save time and reduce your administrative costs.

Save time, reduce errors

Automatically post your sales orders, purchases, customers, supplier details and payments to Xero.

Batch daily totals

Only one batched payment invoice is posted to Xero upon closing register, making reconciliation easier.

Record in Turbo, update in Xero

Record ‘on account’ sales and get automatic payment updates from Xero when payments are reconciled.

What our customers say about Turbo Inventory

With Turbo Inventory and Xero together you can see more, know more and do more

Track profitability in real-time

Cost-of-goods-sold (COGS) post to Xero and are tracked as your goods are sold. View your profitability against your wages, rent, marketing, and other expenses to understand your true performance.

Automatically sync daily totals

Save time and money. Daily sales, account sales, payment totals, inventory orders, COGS and customer details sync to Xero. Remove manual data entry and eliminate human error.

Make bank reconciliations simple

Xero uses Turbo Inventory daily totals to recognize merchant payments coming into your accounts. Account sales and stock orders can also post to Xero. Reconciling is as easy as hitting OK.

Report on financials across stores and channel

Turbo Inventory maps your tracking categories into Xero, giving you the info you need to report on transactions by outlet. This lets you see and compare the performance of all your stores and sales channels.

Turbo Inventory + Xero integration features

Track profitability in real-time

Cost-of-goods-sold (COGS) post to Xero and are tracked as your goods are sold. View your profitability against your wages, rent, marketing, and other expenses to understand your true performance.

Automatically sync daily totals

Save time and money. Daily sales, account sales, payment totals, inventory orders, COGS and customer details sync to Xero. Remove manual data entry and eliminate human error.

Make bank reconciliations simple

Xero uses Turbo Inventory daily totals to recognize merchant payments coming into your accounts. Account sales and stock orders can also post to Xero. Reconciling is as easy as hitting OK.

Report on financials across stores and channel

Turbo Inventory maps your tracking categories into Xero, giving you the info you need to report on transactions by outlet. This lets you see and compare the performance of all your stores and sales channels.

Purchase orders

Sync all purchase orders recorded in Turbo Inventory to Xero so you can track amounts payable to suppliers in Xero.

Supplier profiles

Sync supplier profiles and profile updates with Xero.

Advanced account mapping

Provide standard account codes for sales, purchases and inventory in Xero when you activate the integration. If you need these to be different for certain products, you can also apply different account codes for individual products.

Set credit limits

Keep tighter control over outstanding invoices in Turbo Inventory and Xero by setting credit limits for customers. This feature automatically syncs and updates the value of outstanding customer invoices from Xero.

Configure tracking categories

Xero’s Tracking Categories feature eliminates the need to add multiple account codes, making reporting easier. You can now choose the tracking categories you want to be displayed in your Xero sales invoices or purchase orders.